Q:What is your most memorable running moment?
A:It could be any one of the times I've been out on a rainy night: running solo, running hard and fast, and getting very muddy. I love mud, dirt, and trails; pavement is a mere necessity of a life in the urban jungle. It could also be any number of times that I've been out running the hilly trails back home, at Rockefeller State Park with a few friends, or chasing my own shadow at any number of trail races outside the city. Running is my zen-zone / think-tank time, so sometimes I'm chattering away ideas at my friends and fellow runners and sometimes I just NEED to get out there and run hard and fast and make decisions, formulate plans, or just philosophize all on my own.
Q:What races are you training for?
A:Well... I'm your a-typical self-professed hardcore athlete... I don't make training plans (I know it's kinda crazy, but having been coached nearly to death in the past, I have found it SO much more fun this time around to just train / race on any given day how I feel and to do my absolute best to make it all FUN and very social, rather than setting goals and letting myself or anyone else down). This year though, I have had to actually sit down & fill in a calendar of my biggest & baddest events, so I can not just survive each of them, but also have a rockin' time doing each. I'll be doing the NorthFace Endurance Challenge up at Bear Mountain (though I pansied out with the 1/2 Marathon for that one), SBR Sprint Triathlon out to Bear Mountain, Ultimate XC Val Morin 50K up in Canada, Rhode Island Half-Ironman, Ironman Wisconsin, any number of NYRR races throughout the year, am organizing my own series of training marathons & triathlons, and am awaiting confirmation as an Achilles volunteer for the NYC Marathon this year (I have no interest in doing the same big-ticket Marathons more than once for myself, when I can help others & move on to new terrain for myself).
Q:What do you think is missing in running apparel?
A:I'll slim it down to the 1st 3 that come to mind... 1st: Why do all athletic companies think that all girls love pink and fru-fru flowers?! I abhor pink. Give us more options in periwinkle, green, maroon, bright blues, etc. 2nd: Thicker waist-bands on spandex shorts & pant (I love spandex as a means of avoiding chafing, but really do not like all the thin elastic-banded ones out there that squeeze you in all the wrong places, ride up, & roll over as you run / ride, no matter how skinny or muscular you may be). 3rd: Why hasn't someone come out with a cross between a triathlon top and a running jersey? I love the bigger pockets on my tri tops for my GU, phone, keys, etc., but want it to have more wicking material that doesn't wear out as easily as the material found on my tri tops.
Quote/motto to live by:On LIFE, I keep coming back to 2:
ONE: "20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bow-lines; sail away from the safe harbor; catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. [Be kind. Help. Love. Laugh.]"
~Mark TwainTWO: "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."
~Ralph Waldo EmersonOn ATHLETICISM: "Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move my thoughts begin to flow."
~Henry David Thoreau